2023-12-24 16:58:54 -

2023-12-27 16:13:11 -

2023-12-24 13:50:38 -

2023-12-24 16:54:45 -

2023-12-25 09:16:33 -
喜欢 第二次购买 质量不错

2023-12-29 09:47:02 -

2023-12-29 13:17:56 -

2023-12-26 19:44:31 -

2023-12-24 19:42:28 -

2023-12-29 13:03:32 -

度假加勒比(四) 聖盧西亞(St. Lucia)

聖盧西亞(St. Lucia)

作者: 華西車城

加勒比島國聖盧西亞, 陸地面積二百三十八平方英里, 人口十七萬。最初由法國人與原加勒比印第安人簽約, 以法國希拉克斯的聖盧西命名。十八世紀中葉, 英國人控制了全島。後來英法之間頻繁開戰達十四次之多, 該島主權在英法之間七易其手。因為政權更迭如此頻繁, 聖盧西亞被稱之為“西印度之海倫”, 直到1814年英國才取得該島的絕對控制權。 1979年聖盧西亞獨立, 成為一個主權的英聯邦成員國。

聖盧西亞具有很強的本土民間音樂傳統, 加勒比音樂流派, 如卡里普索、索卡、舞廳、雷鬼、康巴絲的祖克和莎莎。自1991年以來, 每種流派都可以舉辦國際知名的聖盧西亞爵士音樂節。聖盧西亞舞蹈來自加勒比海並且相當盛行, 胯墜厄便是一個流行的民間舞蹈。

郵輪一靠岸, 我們如法炮製, 下船上島, 馬上與導遊們談生意, 希望能有一個不錯的價碼, 好環島自駕一遊, 看過租車公司窗口的出租車價格和地圖才知自駕不現實。登船時間在下午五點, 我們時間有限, 就算路熟也不可能跑完全島。一邊查看借來的地圖, 一邊考慮合適的旅遊線路。詢問當地人, 最好的沙灘在哪裡, 說是北面的鴿子島。根據時間舍遠求近, 先去南邊的蘇弗里耶爾, 再折回北上鴿子島。

與精明的“包工頭兒”討價還價, 總算談好條件, 不過必須與另一隊遊客分享大巴車。那隊男女老少一大幫, 懷中嬰兒也跟他們來游加勒比海。包工頭兒招來一輛大巴, 我們魚貫而入, 等車塞滿就上路了。


剛出碼頭, 司機便開始耍滑頭, 說是時間有限, 交通堵塞, 從南邊回來後儘量往碼頭趕, 不想錯過我們的上船時間, 北邊的鴿子島可能去不成。懷抱小孩兒的同行婦女明顯有些擔心, 人生地不熟, 哪能不聽他的。

我和朋友不樂意了, 包工頭與我們講好的價格是要包括兩處地方, 短斤舍兩成啥體統, 況且選這條線路的時候, 我們對時間也是有個判斷的, 不該出入如此之大。

朋友的解決辦法很簡單, 難得與他理論, 一頓大發雷霆, 擺出了顧客就是上帝的威風。告訴司機, 他的任務就是照顧好我們這些遊客, 若有不清楚的問題, 自己去找包工頭兒詢問。既然接下這活兒, 就不能中途變卦。剛剛開始的遊興, 就讓你給攪和了, 接下來我們能玩得痛快嗎?一席話, 說得司機啞口無言, 嘴裡嘟嘟啷啷還在爭辯著什麼, 但大勢已去, 只好乖乖就範。

後來才知道, “托兒”不光中國才有, 哪兒都一樣。司機和導遊們都有自己的“窩”, 拉乘客購物獲取回扣。我們一路上就有賣甘蔗的田邊地頭, 有風景點的飯館, 還有紀念品小攤, 在這裡停留自然需要時間, 難怪司機開始要縮減我們的行程, 好多留點時間, 讓我們在他選定的“窩”里花銀子。好狡猾哪, 不過我們沒上當。

聖盧西亞與東部這一片的加勒比寶島相同, 東海岸瀕臨大西洋, 沿岸皆是俊俏的石壁。嘩, 洶湧的黑色海浪狠狠地打在石壁上, 濺起陣陣白色浪花, 海水順著石壁直往下淌, 那是一個漩渦套一個漩渦哪。


下海戲玩一番?不因時間關係, 只是太危險, 想都別想。相較於東岸, 西岸一側地勢平緩, 加勒比海就像個熟睡的安靜孩子。蔚藍的大海輕輕撫摸金色沙灘, 細軟的白沙從腳縫中擠過的感覺, 是如此的愜意。海邊風平浪靜, 藍天白雲綠樹交相輝映, 隨便按下快門, 就是一張五彩斑斕的名片。

海邊的小漁村, 還有簡陋的棚戶, 看著身穿學生製服打扮的孩子, 可以判斷他們的生活並不富裕。然而上天給與的自然景觀和周圍的生態, 才是無價之寶。

遠處有座火山, 透過樹梢可以看見它的容貌, 為了趕路, 大家一致決定放棄到火山腳下的建議, 出租車掉頭向北, 前往聖盧西亞北端的鴿子島。

雖然時間不太充裕, 司機卻十分愛惜他的大巴, 瞅著路面的大坑, 左躲右閃, 蛇形徘徊於山間公路。有疲倦的乘客開始打盹, 我卻瞪大雙眼直視前方。

城裡的交通開始擁塞, 這里居然也有堵車發生。從嘉年華碼頭到鴿子島, 平常也就二十來分鐘, 我們走走停停, 差不多花了半小時。本來想多點時間好下海, 同車帶嬰兒的女人怕錯過時間誤了船, 硬要給司機留七、八十分鐘開這段路, 因此我們便打消了下水的念頭。

漂亮沙灘, 皆公眾財產, 巴貝德斯政府規定, 所有沙灘都要對公眾開放, 決不允許私人畫地為牢。鴿子島的沙灘有一段, 特別漂亮, 沙灘背後是有名的三德斯度假村。

鴿子島 Sandals 度假村

商店、躺椅、陽傘加上比基尼, 沿岸佈滿海灣。入口處還有警衛把守, 他告訴我們, 這邊的一切設施只供村內游客享用, 我們沒有住宿於此, 不能使用三德斯的設施, 包括廁所都不能使用。但可以進入三德斯沙灘, 游泳、漫步、看風景、日光浴皆可, 這也是維護村民們的權益吧。

沿長長沙灘漫步一圈, 我們沒有時間久留, 只在海邊濕了濕腳, 看看養眼的美女和五彩斑斕的魚兒而已。


A little hard to break in. After that I was well pleased.
- Guam

Love these shoes.They also fit me perfectly..Will continue to order
- Switzerland

They arrived quickly and as described.... I like the comfort and the colors....
- Singapore

FAST shipping, product as advertised and on my feet as I type this !No issues 100% happy.
- Singapore

Great fit and look good too. I am well pleased with these new shoes. Thanks for two day delivery .
- Singapore

I ordered these for my husband who needed black shoes for work. He says they are very comfortable and fit perfectly!
- Switzerland

Love these! Perfect shoes for a letter carrier! Pair these with happystep memory foam insoles and you get to walk on pillows all day!
- Switzerland

My husband has wore this brand for awhile now. We normally got them from JC Penney's but found them on for a lower price. Happy with the purchase.
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Singapore

This is my husband's favorite shoe for comfort! He wears them for 'good' and when his older ones wear out, he rotates the newer one for work, and orders a new pair. He says they provide him with the perfect amount of support!
- Singapore

2024-01-03 23:55:27--
Took a while to deliver but overall great quality.

2024-01-03 23:55:09--
Good Quality. Happy with the product, better than I expected.

2024-01-03 23:53:50--
Very nice, has a weird feel to it though but I’m just guessing that’s because it’s brand new

2024-01-03 23:51:59--
Amazing quality and is identical to the real thing. Comes with a plastic smell but eventually it goes away! Took about 3 weeks to get to me! Overall happy with my purchase!

2024-01-03 23:51:51--
Arrived to UK within a couple of weeks. I am just back from Turkey and they wanted crazy money for them. Looks great and comes wrapped in dust bag. For what you are paying it’s a great buy.

2024-01-03 23:49:50--
So so happy with my purchase!! Honestly I was a bit sceptical about ordering but I am beyond impressed! Ordered the 23rd April and received the 28th July but a delay notification was posted before ordering so I knew it would take time with Covid. Definitely will buy from this seller again thank you!

2024-01-03 23:48:33--
No complaints! Real review great for price and no major issues looks authentic. Will be wearing to browns games and on Sunday. Bought 2

2024-01-03 23:48:19--
Don't BUY IT I'm waiting for a long time but it looks so cheap

2024-01-03 23:47:49--
This wallet is so beautiful! ! !

2024-01-03 23:46:05--
Everything great!

2024-01-03 23:28:35--
Looks good but not for big wrist

2024-01-01 00:51:48--
Sooooo pretty 😍!! Took 2 Weeks to receive. HONEST SELLER

2024-01-01 00:50:42--
It was absolutely perfect. Shipping was much faster than I bc expected. The box it came in was beautiful. I’m extremely happy!

2024-01-01 00:49:26--
Very good seller. Received my item in time and very satisfied!

2024-01-01 00:49:22--
item as described. nothing to comment on it, its exactly as picture shows

2024-01-01 00:47:25--
Was too big. Very good Quality.

2024-01-01 00:46:48--
Excellent t-shirt! Good quality! Dress really well! I recommend buying from this seller!

2024-01-01 00:44:43--
Great en good service! Fast shipping! Only logo is a little cracked. But quality is very good!

2024-01-01 00:43:46--
5star.Very good

2024-01-01 00:42:34--
Brilliant top, size small is closer to a medium, but looks great

2024-01-01 00:41:33--
Great quality shirt, sleeves may be a little long and a bit wide. but it is a oversize style shirt. I’m normally between a medium and a large in usa clothes and this time i got a medium and it fit pretty loose and comfortably big. If the sleeves were slightly less short it would be better but im still satisfied. (sleeves barely cover elbows)

2024-01-01 00:41:13--
Great product shipped very fast during the pandemic received in 3 weeks

2024-01-01 00:41:11--
Excellent seller, the quality:item price is unbelievable, I highly recommend the seller 😃

2024-01-01 00:40:40--
Very unsatisfied

2024-01-01 00:38:02--
Excellent, I am very satisfied!!

2024-01-01 00:37:49--
I love them! the quality is great

2024-01-01 00:37:22--
Fits perfectly and I absolutely love this!

2024-01-01 00:37:11--
Awesome, I love it and the quality is perfect.

2024-01-01 00:36:23--
Beautiful shoes, look great. There are many compliments on this. Will definitely buy again Recommended seller

2024-01-01 00:36:18--
I am very satisfied with my order again thanks I love to shop at your store this seller does good business

2024-01-01 00:34:55--
Exactly the same as the authentic ones guys they are amazing quality!

2024-01-01 00:33:03--
Perfect no complaints at all i love this seller !!!

2024-01-01 00:32:38--
Really good quality rep just took a little longer to come than expected but worth the wait

2024-01-01 00:31:09--
Buyer beware!!!!! You will not get what you think you are! Shoe looks nothing like web pictures. You will be disappointed and I am!!!!! DON’T BUY!!!!

2024-01-01 00:27:17--
These look amazing and are so comfortable. Fit is true to size

2024-01-01 00:27:02--
Good, fast

2024-01-01 00:26:05--
Not bad.I like it

2024-01-01 00:25:47--
Really awesome

2024-01-01 00:25:00--
Super comfortable

2024-01-01 00:23:50--
Absolutely love them!!

2024-01-01 00:23:50--
Absolutely love them!!

2024-01-01 00:22:38--
Very good, very satisfied!

2024-01-01 00:21:09--
Thank you very nice quality A+

2024-01-01 00:20:39--
good quality like usual! thank you

2024-01-01 00:17:24--
I was pretty pleased with them for the price

2024-01-01 00:16:59--
Very comfortable. Nice quality for the price I paid.

2024-01-01 00:16:48--
thanks I will buys more from this seller soon.

2024-01-01 00:16:02--
Very great quality! Go one size up! Fast shipping!

2024-01-01 00:15:31--
superb quality! no defect ! superb product. great job.

2024-01-01 00:13:31--
The store is very credible, and it is very good, I am very satisfied with buying stuff in this store

2024-01-01 00:11:30--
love the shoes really nice! would definitely order again shipping took a while

2024-01-01 00:11:22--
Bought this for my mom Sept 27th and received them Oct 14th. They are good quality and she’s happy with them.

2024-01-01 00:09:36--
looks ok...obvious differences in the team logo, and stitching errors on the lettering on the back, and it's pretty thin but not bad for a $25 jersey shirt

2024-01-01 00:09:11--
Is a little big but other than that, it’s great!

2024-01-01 00:07:48--

2024-01-01 00:07:41--
Good quality

2024-01-01 00:06:32--
Great quality stuff here

2023-12-15 14:42:28--
Great quality

2023-12-15 14:28:42--
i received the wrong package, after 80days

2023-12-15 14:27:39--

Displaying 61 to 120 (of 802 reviews)

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